Friday 26 August 2016

Have your Google adSense account is disapproved ??? Are you worried about that ??? this article will tell you, why your account is disapproved and what you can do to approve it or what other than you can do. Google is very strict to their policies and they have made different policies for different countries. They always keep on reviewing and editing all these for the benefits of publisher as well as advertiser. New users need to have some patience in their mind. For new users and even old bloggers they need some points to be followed right from ...

Your blog/site must have:

1. TITLE: title should be like that it would describe your whole blog that means on which your blog depends.

2. CONTENT: it must be written in your own language, should be good in English or whatever language you have chosen. Content written must be heading wise. As it looks eye catching.

3. Blog/ site TEMPLATE: It must be eye catching and pleasing and there should be space for display of adds it should not look odd.

4. Number of POSTS before applying for Google adSense: It is another very important point your blog/ site must have at least 40 posts before you apply to the Google adSense. These should be well interlinked and regularly posted. Posting regularly in blog is sure short to have approval of Google adSense account.

5. AGE of blog/site: Your blog must be at least six month old before you apply for Google adSense. If you wants to approve it early then start posting two to three articles daily it can approve your account even after one month.

6. ALEXA ranking and GOOGLE page ranking: A good ALEXA ranking along with GOOGLE page ranking adds favorable environment to approve your adSense.

7. DOMINE name: A purchased domain name is thought to have more benefits over free domain name so try to purchase a domain name.

Reasons for disapproval:

1. Early apply: It is often seen that new user with underdeveloped content and even very less number of posts in there blog, apply for the Google adSense. So do not apply very early.

2. Invalid clicks: Once your account is approved by Google and ads start displaying, then you need some precautions that do not even single click yourself on ads displayed on your site. If you do surely your account will be disapproved.

3. Copied content: Copied content and even invalid content on your blog surely will disapprove your account.

4. Previously disapproved account: If your account is previously disapproved by Google by any means can be disapproved again if you do not follow guidelines given by Google.

Approval of disapproved account:

Account disapproval is very hurting situation to a genuine content writer. They become very depressed after disapproval of account. So I am writing a few points which can help them. Once your account is disapproved then it is very difficult to again approve it. The chance of approval is below 10%, so you can follow the points I am going to mention below:

1. Follow the Guidelines: Follow the guidelines emailed by the Google to you. And do not apply immediately, Wait for some day try to improve content look etc. and do not apply through the same computer use another one.

2. Again if disapproved: If again it is disapproved then the chances become negligible for approval of adSense account. Then you need to make a new blog. If content in your blog is genuine then you can import it from previous blog to new one but it is better that you start writing a new content. Fresh content with fresh ideas and start posting again. Now the points you should remember: Payee name should be different, different account photograph, little bit different address, different phone number and even different computer when you going to apply for new adSense than the old one.

So have faith in God….

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